We are gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. We are not part of a denomination. We do enjoy fellowship with a large number of local churches throughout the world on the basis of a common understanding of the Word of God. We meet together on a weekly basis to remember the Lord and study the Bible. We gather to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. We aim to give Christ His rightful place as Lord, Head, and Chief Shepherd. Spiritual activity such as preaching, teaching, collective prayer and worship is a shared responsibility.
Our building name, "Gospel Hall", is indicative of the priority we give to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We devote every Sunday evening service to preaching the Gospel. Our desire is the flourishing of the gospel to the salvation of souls and the spiritual growth of believers - all to the glory of God!
We are a group of Christians who gather as a local church in Saugus, Massachusetts and we seek to follow the biblical pattern of fellowship and outreach in all our activities.
Our Direction
We firmly believe the Bible to Word of God and therefore to be inerrant and infallible. It is, therefore, worthy to be trusted in all matters of life and conduct.

What We Do
We gather as a local assembly in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, claiming His promise that "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them"
Our Community
Everyone is welcome at all of our regular meetings, and no public collections are ever taken. If you have not visited us yet, join us for a gospel meeting!